For schools

No stress science for your school

Confucius may have said this nearly 3000 years ago but it's still absolutely true and is the core value that all our school activities are based on. Practical work is SO important for embedding learning in science but it can be really hard for teachers to fit it in. In fact, a whopping 69% of teachers we surveyed felt that they didn't do as much practical work as they would like and the reasons that kept coming up probably won't surprise you... TIME and RESOURCES.

  • "Time constraints and lack of resources."
  •      "Not enough lesson time"
  •           "Time pressure to cover everything"
  •                  "Not having available equipment and feeling the pressure of constantly spending my own money on resources/equipment."

We can help your school with both of these. Our workshops are 100% hands on and curriculum linked meaning that we can bring all the resources and all the equipment your class needs. 

We can come in and run one off science days, afterschool or lunchtime science clubs or regular PPA sessions.

One off science days

Whether it's to support your science day, to deliver the whole content of a specific topic or for a fun wow activity, our workshops are written with your school in mind!

We know that if your school is investing in a science day, it has to tick all the boxes so we write bespoke workshops that fit what you need to cover. We can even theme them to suit your other topic work. We've done Fairy Tale chemistry for Year 1, Paris themed light for Year 3 and UFO themed electricity for year 5 just to name a few.

Our one off workshops are a great way of introducing your children to different science equipment and techniques but without adding the burden of planning special activities on your teachers. 



You book the day and then use the time as you see fit. We can do either a full day with one class, shorter sessions split between 2 or 3 classes or a series of shorter workshops for each year group. (We've managed to do 9 in a day - it was exhausting but we did it!!) 

You can add an assembly to get the day started and/or an afterschool club to finish the day with a flourish! 

Weekly sessions

Make your PPA time really count! 

Ensure that all your classes get regular, great quality practical work with weekly sessions. We have a workshop work for every topic in the EYFS, KS1 and KS2 curriculum which will help your teachers:

🧪 Free up planning time by delivering the more in depth practical aspects of the curriculum. 

🧪 Make sure the 'working scientifically' skills are met through our Key Stage-specific program.

🧪 Reduce the cost to your school of buying new resources which may only be used once a year and most importantly, stop your teachers having to spend their own money on consumables and equipment. 


1. Choose your ideal slot - we can deliver 2 workshops in a morning session and 1 in an afternoon.

2. Pick your workshops for each term. We have a whole series of curriculum linked workshops as well as some 'just for fun' topics.

3. Let your staff get on with their PPA time safe in the knowledge that their class is getting good quality input and ticking off lots of statutory requirements. 

4. Log into your school portal for detailed reports of what they've done and follow up work and ideas for further experiments. 

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